Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Family Members Give Terrible Career Advice -The Muse

Why Family Members Give Terrible Career Advice -The MuseWhy Family Members Give Terrible Career Advice For most of us, our first experience with career advice comes from one source our parents. As we go through life, the people who have the most interest in the direction we take with our careers continue to be those who are closest to us, like our significant others, friends, mentors, and professors. Yet, in my experience as a career coach, I can tell you that the tips (and yes, pressure) that come from loved ones can be terrible career advice, particularly when it comes to that big picture question of What should I be doing with my life? Heres why1. They Project Their ExperiencesMy mom switched from teaching to accounting about a decade into her professional life. It was a wonderful move for her, and she has had a high level of satisfaction and success with this second career path. Based on this experience, my well-intentioned parents pointed me toward accounting, with the idea that it would also be a great fit for me. (It wasnt.)Ive seen too many people experience something similar Someone they love keeps pouring on suggestions that have absolutely leidhing to do with what they want for their careers. Why would you want to go back to work after having kids when you dont have to?Youll get bored of that subject matter after a yearWorking so many hours always leads to burnoutIn each case, the guidance had more to do with person providing it than the person receiving it. Just ask that new mom who truly wanted to get back to a job she loved, the social media marketer who still finds the work really compelling, or the individual who thrives on long hours at this point in his career. The truth is People are different. Maybe your parent or mentor or would personally hate whatever choice youre making- but that doesnt mean you will. If someone keeps questioning your choice or hammering his or her advice, its OK to say, I really appreciate you taking the time to share y our personal experience with me. Ive carefully considered my options, and Im really excited about this choice. Id love to hear more about change the subject.2. Theyre Biased Toward Safe Career PathsMost people have a natural desire to protect the people they love. This instinct is highly beneficial around small children, who, if left to their own devices, could walk into traffic without looking or play with matches. But youre not a small child Youre an adult who is putting himself or herself out there. Developing a well-fitting career path often involves putting some skin in the game, being willing to face rejection or failure, making mistakes, and learning along the way. In other words, a great career path will mean getting hurt at times, so that you can learn important lesson. Advice that stems from an attempt to protect you from this natural (and sometimes painful) progression of career development is well-meaning, but ultimately flawed. It can wind up doing more harm than good.F or example, one of my clients was instructed to pursue government work solely on the basis of the perceived stability of the positions. But she was someone who thrived on creativity and wilted at the idea of bureaucracy, so this was not the culture for her.One way to deal with this kind of advice is to thank your nearest and dearest for caring so deeply, and then remind him or her that no job is 100% safe. Moreover, if you work in a field you really have no interest in, youre less likely to want to put in the time and effort necessary to advance. Finally, remind him or her that even if you work somewhere that isnt right for you, youll still benefit from the experience.Its natural for those closest to us to have opinions about our career decisions. Just remember that at the end of the day its your life. Youre the one who actually deals with the consequences and benefits of any given career choice. With that in mind, your opinion is the one that matters most.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Blogging and Social Media Policy Sample

Blogging and Social Media Policy SampleBlogging and Social Media Policy SampleYour Company recognizes the importance of the web in shaping public thinking about your company and our current and kompetenz products, employees, partners, and customers. Your company also recognizes the importance of our employees joining in and helping shape industry conversation and direction through blogging and interaction in social media. So, your company is committed to supporting your right to interact knowledgeably and socially in the blogosphere and on the Internet through blogging and interaction in social media. Consequently, these guidelines in this blogging and social media policy will help you make appropriate decisions about your work-related blogging and the contents of your blogs, personal Web sites, postings on wikis and other interactive sites, postings on video or picture sharing sites, or in the comments that you make online on blogs, elsewhere on the public Internet, and in respondin g to comments from posters either publicly or via email. Our internal Internet and Email Policy remains in effect in our workplace. These guidelines will help you open up a respectful, knowledgeable interaction with people on the Internet. They also protect the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of your company and our current and tauglichkeit products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors. Note that these policies and guidelines apply only to work-related sites and issues and are elend meant to infringe upon your personal interaction or commentary online. Guidelines for Interaction About Your Company on the Internet If you are developing a Web site or writing a blog that will mention your company and / or our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors, identify that you are an employee of your company and that the views expressed on the blog or Web site are yours alone and do not represent the views of the company.Unless give n permission by your manager, you are not authorized to speak on behalf of the company, nor to represent that you do so.If you are developing a site or writing a blog that will mention our company and/or our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors, as a courtesy to the company, please let your manager know that you are writing them. Your manager may choose to visit from time to time to understand your point of view. Confidential Information Component of the Blogging Policy You may not share information that is confidential and proprietary about the company. This includes information about trademarks, upcoming product releases, sales, finances, number of products sold, number of employees, company strategy, and any other information that has not been publicly released by the company. These are given as examples only and do not cover the range of what the company considers confidential and proprietary. If you have any question about whether information has been released publicly or doubts of any kind, speak with your manager and the Public Relations department before releasing information that could potentially harm our company, or our current and potential products, employees, partners, and customers. You may also want to be aware of the points made in the non-disclosure agreement you signed when you joined our company. Your company logo and trademarks may not be used without explicit permission in writing from the company. This is to prevent the appearance that you speak for or represent the company officially. Respect and Privacy Rights Components of the Blogging Policy Speak respectfully about the company and our current and potential employees, customers, partners, and competitors. Do not engage in name-calling or behavior that will reflect negatively on your companys reputation.Note that the use of copyrighted materials, unfounded or derogatory statementsor misrepresentation is not viewed favorably by your c ompany and can result in disciplinary action up to and including employment termination.Your company encourages you to write knowledgeably, accurately and using appropriate professionalism. Despite disclaimers, your Web interaction can result in members of the public forming opinions about your company and its employees, partners, and products.Honor the privacy rights of our current employees by seeking their permission before writing about or displaying internal company happenings that might be considered to be a breach of their privacy and confidentiality. Competition Component of the Blogging Policy You may not sell any product or service that would compete with any of your companys products or services without permission in writing from the president. This includes, but is not limited to training, books, products, and freelance writing. If in doubt, talk with your manager and the president. Your Legal Liability Component of the Blogging Policy Recognize that you are legally liable for anything you write or present online. Employees can be disciplined by the company for commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment. You can also be sued by company employees, competitors, and any individual or company that views your commentary, content, or images as defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous or creating a hostile work environment. Media Contact Component of the Blogging Policy Media contacts about our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors should be referred for coordination and guidance to the Public Relations or Human Resources department. This does not specifically include your opinions, writing, and interviews on topics aside from our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors. DisclaimerSusan Heathfield makes every effor t to offer accurate, common-sense, ethical Human Resources management, employer, and workplace advice both on this website, and linked to from this website, but she is not an attorney, and the content on the site, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality, and is not to be construed as legal advice. The site has a world-wide audience and employment laws and regulations vary from state to state and country to country, so the site cannot be definitive on all of them for your workplace. When in doubt, always seek legal counsel or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. The information on this site is for guidance, ideas, and assistance only.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

ASME Launches New Journal of Micro and NanoManufacturing

ASME Launches New Journal of Micro and NanoManufacturing ASME Launches New Journal of Micro and NanoManufacturing ASME has a new addition to its collection of Transactions Journals - the ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing. The new title, now available online, provides a forum for authors to share their original theoretical and applied research in the areas of micro- and nano-manufacturing that are related to process innovation, accuracy and precision, throughput enhancement, material utilization, compact equipment development, environmental and life-cycle analysis, and predictive modeling of manufacturing processes with feature sizes less than 100 micrometers.The technical papers in the new journal will address a variety of topics related to micro- and nano-manufacturing, such as unit micro- and nano-manufacturing processes hybrid manufacturing processes combining bottom-up and top-down processes hybrid manufacturing processes utilizing various energy sources to achieve m ulti-scale features and resolutions high-throughput micro- and nano-manufacturing processes equipment development predictive modeling and simulation of materials and systems enabling point-of-need or scaled-up micro- and nano-manufacturing metrology at the micro- and nano-scales over large areas.The publication will also focus on sensors and sensor integration design algorithms for multi-scale manufacturing life cycle analysis logistics and material handhabung related to micro- and nano-manufacturing and applications in the areas of biomedical devices, drug manufacturing, water and energy.Authors are invited to submit journal-quality technical papers using the Submit Paper option on the ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing page on the ASME Digital Collection. Authors can also use the site to sign up for free table of contents alerts, RSS feeds, search and view to the abstract level for all content on the ASME Digital Collection, and access full articles with a subscription. For more information on the ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, visit the ASME Digital Collection. Questions and comments about the journal can be e-mailed to the journals editor, Jian Cao, Ph.D., Northwestern University, at

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Self Promote Successfully

How to Self Promote SuccessfullyHow to Self Promote Successfully1Its a delicate dance. You want to talk about your past and present accomplishments. But say too much and youre a bragger. Dont say anything at all and no one knows about the great work youve done. So how do you self promote successfully?Working Mother Magazine recently tackled this tricky topic. They offered tips on How to Toot Your Horn, whether youre gainfully employed or an active job seeker. We looked at their tips and thought about how they could be relevant to job seekers or telecommuters.Do Your Job WellWhen you telecommute, it can be tricky to make your accomplishments known. Keeping your lines of communication strong, exhibiting excellent follow-through on projects, using all the technology tools offered to be present and engaged, and collaborating with others when you can are all great ways to show your skill and commitment. Telecommuters can impress on conference calls with some forethought and strategy in pl ace.Pitch InWhen you see a project coming together that you are interested in, throw your hat in the ring to be a part of it. If you hear a colleague saying they are a bit overwhelmed or struggling with their workload, offer to help out. Chances are, they will thank you for your efforts publicly especially if you have done the same for others. This concept works just as well in a virtual world it takes a little more effort and communication, but its totally doable.Put It In WritingWe found this one particularly crucial for those looking for a job especially the idea of using your social media profiles. For example, update your LinkedIn profile with short accounts of your successes. When hiring managers screen your profile, they are sure to read about how you saved your previous company millions in a merger, or how you implemented a successful flexible schedule policy in your department. Reading about your past work experience may be just what motivates him to call you in for an interview.Overall, its a good idea to self promote, especially if youre looking for a job. Just keep your stories short, sweet and, most of all, humble. That way, your work- and your work ethic- speaks for itself.Readers, have you struggled with how to self promote? How have you handled it during job interviews? Let us know in the comments section below

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Score! Cool NFL Career Opportunities

Score Cool NFL Career OpportunitiesScore Cool NFL Career OpportunitiesScore Cool NFL Career OpportunitiesNot all jobs in the NFL require running and tackling other players.Playing in the NFL is cool, sure, but very few of us have the athletic chops to make the kollektiv. If youre still hoping for a career in the world of football, you may want to look into some of these awesome behind-the-scenes jobs of the National Football League.Every football groupie dreams of making that leaping catch in the back of the end zone to win the game in its final seconds. How can you not? Its a spectacular display of athleticism and concentration. The pay isnt bad either.But for every quarterback who throws that perfect pass and every linebacker who comes off the edge for a crushing blind-side sack, there are dozens of other people whose career in sports is to make the game work. And not just the other players and the referees, either. Each NFL game has a small obere extremitty of professionals workin g off the field to make sure that the game stays fair and runs smoothly so the folks at home with their beer and wings get the game they deserve.Who are these people? Youll never hear their names, but if you look closely, you may sometime catch a glimpse of them working in the background. These people have some of the coolest jobs you can score in the NFL without being able to run a 4.3 40-yard dash. Take a look at these behind-the-scenes jobs of the National Football League.Kicking Ball (K-Ball) CoordinatorDid you know that the ball that kickers use for field goals, extra points, and kickoffs isnt the same as the regular game ball? The idea behind this is to regulate the balls to make sure that each kicker and punter uses an identical ball. Keeping footballs secure so theyre not tampered with is a pretty big deal in the NFL, so this role as a watchful eye carries a lot of weight (12.5 to 13.5 pounds, to be exact).The K-Ball Coordinator (KBC) is essentially a guard for these preciou s game pieces. Once they are delivered to the field directly from Wilson, they are measured for PSI (pounds per square inch) and approved by the referee. At that point, the K-Ball Coordinator takes possession of the balls and watches over them until 10 minutes before game time. Then, the KBC delivers the balls to the replay station where they are distributed to each team under the careful watch of an NFL security rep.The coolest parte about this National Football League job? Watching your team kick the game-winning field goal and feeling like you had just a little part in that. That was your ball.Job Qualifications Impeccable integrity, responsibility, and no former scandals.Gameday Frequency CoordinatorJust imagine Its third down with eight yards to go at the end of a crucial game. The head coach sends his play to his quarterback via headset. The quarterback, however, doesnt get the play at all. Instead, he hears that Flight 782 out of Omaha has clearance to land. What?During an NF L game, there are many headsets, walkie-talkies, and other radio devices in use, and they all need open frequency channels to function correctly. On top of that, there can be interference from local radio stations, airports, and even concert venues.Thats where the Gameday Frequency Coordinator comes in. This persons job is to assign frequencies to different parties throughout the game to make sure one isnt interfering with another. Sometimes it can be as tricky as two parties using the same frequency, but making sure theyre on opposite ends of the stadium. When that quarterback has to burn a timeout because of Flight 782, you can bet the Gameday Frequency Coordinator will hear about it. If youre looking for jobs in the NFL where you can be on the sidelines helping out while watching the game, this isnt the one for you. For this role, youll have to be on top of your frequencies at all times.The coolest part about this job? You might hear little snippets of everyones conversation, inc luding when the quarterback tells his coach What? Thats a stupid playJob Qualifications Technical knowledge of radio frequencies, multi-tasking, and the ability to tell the difference between a coachs voice and a Beyonc concert.RelatedLinkedIn Makeovers for NFL Quarterbacks Tom Brady and Matt RyanGame Clock OperatorThis is the perfect job, right? Not only do you get to watch the game, you have to watch it Well, you also have to know exactly when the game clock is supposed to abflug and when it needs to stop.The Game Clock Operator is just what it sounds like Its a person who is responsible for the official game clock. In a game that can be won or lost in the final moments, this can be a stressful position to say the least. Every second counts, and while the officials are supposed to be keeping track of the clock as well, its the Game Clock Operators responsibility to take the helm and keep the clock moving or stopped as it should be.In 2015, a Game Clock Operator in San Diego starte d the game clock too early as the Steelers lined up for their final drive. The error cost the Steelers 18 seconds, and while they still made their last-second winning touchdown, one has to wonder if the Game Clock Operator was trying to give his team an edge. He was ultimately suspended for this error, so yeah, this job is no joke.But the coolest part about being a Game Clock Operator in the NFL? You know what all of those crazy arm motions and whistles from the referees really mean. Its like a secret language, and you can decode itJob Qualifications The ability to run a clock, attention to detail, and no favoritismUniform InspectorYou think that business casual is a bit too strict these days? Try playing in the NFL An NFL players uniform is strictly regulated by the league. Socks must be white up to the mid-calf with only team-approved colors at that point, jerseys must be tucked in, bandanas are not allowed, and, most importantly, all pads must be worn.Who makes sure all of these rules are followed? The League Uniform Inspectors. 64 individuals take on this responsibility with two at each game to look over every player (and coach) to make sure regulations are met. Many of these rules are for safety, such as the pads requirement, but there are other reasons too. The NFL signs marketing contracts with brands like Reebok and New Era, which means that players who are showing off their favorite Nike hat or Adidas spikes are endangering the NFLs lucrative deals.The team will be quickly informed if the Uniform Inspector spots a violation, and the offender is then required to fix the issue during the next change of possession or risk not playing in the game and paying sizeable fines. The best part? Yelling at a 250-pound linebacker and saying, Hey Your Nike is showing Fix thatJob Qualifications Attention to detail, keen fashion sense, and the ability to differentiate Packers green from Eagles dark green.The easy track to the NFL is to be 6-foot-4-inches tall with bl azing speed, incredible vertical leap, and great hands. But if you werent born to be a No. 1 wide receiver, there are plenty of other cool jobs in the NFL to explore. If you want to land a job as a KBC or one of these other sweet titles, head to and see if your favorite team has an open position. After all, wouldnt you love to have NFL on your resume?Click on the following link for morejob-search advice.Could your resume land you a job in the NFL? Find out with a free resume critique.Recommended Reading5 Women Who Rock the NFLAsk Amanda How Do I Find My Dream Job?How to Highlight Your Skills During the Job-Search Process

Friday, December 6, 2019

Choosing Good Entry Level Customer Service Resume

Choosing Good Entry Level Customer tafelgeschirr Resume Choosing Entry Level Customer Service Resume In reality, a customer service representative takes on a number of meanings and definitions. In case you have a lot of experience in customer assistance, you might want to use a combination format to highlight both your years of expertise and accolades. Spend a while to think about the sort of content youll be able to include to make yourself stand out. A top quality sample customer service resume will incorporate quite a few suitable key terms and phrases that could comprise phrases like customer satisfaction, customer retention, processes or efficiency, based on the particular job. Make sure your cover letter creates a solid first impression resume following the suggestions below. Your focus to small details could be the secret to success. Just take the opportunity to customize your resume skills section whenever you submit an application for a new job with the addition of new skills specifically from the work ad. ur thorough guide on the best way to write an ideal cover letter in 8 simple steps will certainly help you out. The Ultimate Strategy to Entry Level Customer Service Resume Its quite possible that the majority of the learning happened from the classrooms. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the kind of career youre searching for. Think of your own work experience, and where you are able to quantify it. A History of Entry Level Customer Service Resume Refuted An employer would like to know that you will be able to collaboratetaking unified lockstep to realize 1 persons plan or goal. The cover letter is just about the very first thing that the HR personnel sees. If dont have any prior work experiences, youll have to compose a persuasive cover letter. The ones youll be able to see in the original job posting. Getting a ble to spot your interpersonal abilities and give examples of them is a crucial portion of any work interview. If youre planning on submitting an application for an entry level position, you have to have a rock star resume that would find the interest of the recruiter. Thoughts revolving around what you would like to achieve in your career will end in the response to the fruchtwein essential question. Your competition is likely to provide the interviewer what they would like to hear. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Entry Level Customer Service Resume Is Wrong To wrap up, its well worth mentioning that CV is really the most important document any individual will hold in the approaching years. Some customer service resume samples are offered online, and they could have the ability to present additional beneficial tips regarding inclusions, but they might not always have the most optimum structure. Our Call Customer resume sample will give you a format call can utilize to put your application ahead of the competition. Provide another sheet listing customer contact info. Choosing Entry Level Customer Service Resume Is Simple As you take an increasingly proactive approach to every interaction, you will be able to enhance your abilities and performance continually. In addition, it is a very good idea to mention your resiliency. In the era of emotional intelligence only experience doesnt make a difference, factors like your capacity to cope with people also matters. Youll also have to work on your interpersonal abilities, including developing a larger feeling of empathy. New Questions About Entry Level Customer Service Resume Experience of internship demonstrates that youre exposed to professional environment and youre actively searching for much better career alternatives. Karen guards the job you truly want. Consider what you reallyin college. All About Entry Level Customer Service Resume Now, lets understand how to acquire an entry in to the area. Thus, it can take time to ascend up the ranks. All you will need is a chance and thats the value of landing the entry level position. Ok, I Think I Understand Entry Level Customer Service Resume, Now Tell Me About Entry Level Customer Service Resume If youve ever worked in customer assistance, you are aware that it is a job which might not be glamorous, but is totally needed. Customer service takes in a lot of distinct jobs. An energetic and quick learner whos committed to excellent customer services. Excellent customer services can make a big difference in business recurrence, and client service personnel are given rigorous training.

Monday, December 2, 2019

3 Ways to be an Effective Video Interviewer - Spark Hire

3 Ways to be an Effective Video Interviewer - Spark HireWhen youre actively trying to fill positions within your company and youre looking to do so quickly, its very easy to fill your schedule with interviews and meetings to discuss interviewees. Doing so, you lose company time by bringing candidates into the office and your own valuable time by trying to squeeze in too many interviews. Video interviews can be a great help with this. They are an excellent way to streamline the screening process with candidates. In particular, here are three things to consider in reservierung to make a video interview more effective.1. Ask some warmup questions.Whether its a one-way or a live video interview, offering some easier questions earlier in the interview can make the candidate feel more comfortable while still providing you with valuable insight. Asking a few ice breaker questions may help you obtain some more genuine answers and also allow the candidate to get in the flow of the interview. This prepares them to be at their best for the more difficult questions later in the interview.2. Balance your questions for job and personality fit.Balance the questions you ask to get information about their qualifications as well as their professional interests and personality. An initial interview is the perfect time to get a feel for a candidates personality. Video interviews grant you ample opportunity to ask a few questions that you may not have time for in a formal interview. Interview questions about what a candidate is passionate about provide you with great insight on their personality, what they enjoy doing, and how well they will fit in your work environment. In addition to inquiring about their qualifications and personality, sprinkle in some questions about their odd-jobs or activities during times of unemployment. If youre interviewing a recent graduate, inquire about their summer jobs or on-campus positions or extra-curricular activities.3. Pick up on the subtleties .Pay attention to details in a video interview much like you would a traditional interview, only with a closer eye on how the interviewee has prepared. As an employer, you should expect your candidates to prepare for a video interview just as they would for a traditional one so make that part of your evaluation criteria. Take notice of their attire have they dressed appropriately for the interview? Watch their hand gestures, eye contact, and other body language are they slouching comfortably, swiveling in their chair, distracted by things in the room?Video interviews are a business tool to take advantage of when going through the hiring process. With a solid video interviewing strategy in place, you can get to know a candidate on a more personal level and narrow your list of candidates more easily and efficiently.Have you used video interviewing before? What strategies and guidelines helped you become an effective video interviewer? Discuss in the comments below